Xi says ready to join president of the Republic of the Congo for stronger strategic partnership

  Release time:2024-06-03 20:34:25  
Chinese President Xi Jinping exchanged congratulations on Thursday with President Denis Sassou Ngues 。

Chinese President Xi Jinping exchanged congratulations on Thursday with President Denis Sassou Nguesso of the Republic of the Congo on the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations, and vowed to join Sassou in promoting the strategic partnership of the two sides.

The friendship between China and the Republic of the Congo has stood the test of time, Xi remarked.

Over the 60 years, the two countries, despite changes in the international situation, have consistently engaged in sincere cooperation and mutual development, during which the two sides have become good friends who trust each other politically and good partners for win-win economic cooperation, Xi added.

In recent years, the frequent exchanges between the two countries, the continuous deepening of political mutual trust, and the steady progress of practical cooperation have brought tangible benefits to the people of both countries, which is a vivid reflection of the spirit of friendly cooperation between China and Africa, Xi said.

The Chinese president said he highly values the development of bilateral relations and is willing to work with President Sassou to take the anniversary of relations as a new starting point, continuously enrich the comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership between the two countries, and work together to build a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future. 

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